Collection of Moses Elegant Vazquez

The "Company Dialectic of London", presided by the physical one John Lubbock, names a Committee comprising thirty-three members to study in depth the presumed spiritualist phenomena with the objective to unmask them. The conclusions of the elaborate final report a year later by the Committee were favorable relating to you determined phenomena as: noises, vibrations and movements of objects without muscular or mechanical action; heavy bodies and people that are elevated in the air; spontaneous apparition of drawings, etc. The opinion causes a great impact and attracts the interest of many men of Science.

It is born the "Metapsíquica" (pioneering of the Parapsychology) with the investigations of the famous physicist and Nobel Prize William Crookes on the Spiritualism and the phenomena with a medium. It studies in depth and with severity to the large médiums physical of the epoch as Daniel Dunglas Home, Eusapia Palladino and Florence Cook recognizing the reality of its extraordinary faculties.

Johann Zöllner, prestigious professor of Physics and Astronomy, undertakes the investigation of the medium Henry Slade, convinced that the mediumnidad physical could provide an evidence to its theory on the quarter dimension. The results of the investigation were fruitful and they appeared collected in their work "Transcendental Physics".



Experimentation with letters zener,
At the beginning of the scientific parapsychology.



The professor of Physical William Barret bases on London the "Society for Psychical Research" (Company for the Psychic Investigation), the first institution dedicated Al rigorous and systematic study of the paranormal phenomena. It will be presided by Henry Sidgwick, renowned philosopher of Cambridge. Their members are doctors and scientists of diverse academic disciplines.

It is created in New York the subsidiary of the SPR English: the "American Society for Psychical Research" (American Company for the Psychic Investigation). Its founder is the eminent philosopher and psychologist of Harvard William James. And among their members they emphasize the professor of Logical James Hyslop and the doctor and father of the psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud. Three years later, the ASPR is transformed into autonomous company.

It is published in France the work "Mental Suggestion" of Julian Ochorowicz, professor of Philosophy and Psychology in the University of Lemberg (Poland), in which describes its fruitless intents, based on tests rigorously controlled, by showing the non-existence of the telepathy. It convinced finally of the reality of such faculties, undertakes the investigation of some large médiums of the epoch.

Frederic W. H. Myers, philosopher and executive of the SPR, devises the hypothesis of the "I-Subliminal" after studying in depth the dreams and the hypnotic trances. According to Myers, the I-Subliminal one can relate to other minds and with other objects, explaining of that form the phenomena of telepathy and clairvoyance. Its valuable investigations marked a new course in the study of the phenomena metapsíquicos.
The famous French astronomer Camille Flammarion publishes "L' inconnu et them problèmes psychiques", work in which collects numerous paranormal spontaneous phenomena. Flammarion consecrates good part of its life Al study and investigation of the demonstrations metapsíquicas. Years later would be named president of the SPR.

The first laboratory for the investigation is established metapsíquica in the University of Stanford (California).

William McDougall, professor of Psychology in the University of Harvard, writes "Body and Mind", work in which defends fully the existence of the telepathy.

It is published in Munich the work "Phenomena of Materialization", of the medical one Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, where collects with every detail its investigations around the phenomena metapsíquicos of physical effects. It studied in depth the powers with a medium of the brothers Schneider and of Stanislawa Tomczyk.

It is based on Paris the "Institut Métapsychique International" (IMI), by initiative of the Dr. Chat Richet and the Dr. Gustave Geley, of the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon. It recognized by the French government as scientific company of public utility, the IMI carried out studies very advanced on the mediumnidad of physical effects. It publishes the famous one "Revue Métapsychique".

The illustrious psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, creator of the theory of the Unconscious Collective one, edits a presentation for the SPR affirming that the demonstrations metapsíquicas are "unconscious effects externalized of complexes". Time later reconsiders its position and admits the possibility of "a reality transpsíquica immediately underlying to the mind". In its work "Memories, Dreams, Thoughts" collects several paranormal experiences starred in by him, some in company of the one that was its master one Sigmund Freud. Its investigations metapsíquicas served him of base to prepare its doctoral thesis "On the psychology and pathology of the calls hidden phenomena".

Sigmund Freud, father of the psychoanalysis, writes a titled article "Psychoanalysis and telepathy". Despite its doubts on you determined phenomena PSI, considered shown the existence of the telepathy and even came have several experiences. On the telepathic communication indicated that "may have been the archaic middle by means of which the individuals were understood among itself originally". It showed a great interest on these themes along its life, being member of the SPR and of the ASPR. This same year wrote to H. Carrington that "if to live again, would dedicate me to the investigation parapsicológica before that Al psychoanalysis".

The Dr. Chat Richet, Nobel Prize of Medicine, presents in the Academy of Sciences of Paris its extraordinary titled report "tried Metapsíquica", in which collects the evidences on the existence of the psychic phenomena.

It is celebrated in Warsaw the II International Congress of Psychic Investigations in which the Metapsíquica of the Spiritualism is separated and a terminology for the inexplicable phenomena is established.

In its extraordinary work "tried Parapsychology" ("Introduction to the Metapsíquica Human" in its first edition), René Sudre, scientist of the University of the Sorbona, defines with the name of "telergia" ("television" : far away, "ergon" : action) "the phenomena in which the psychic fluid or its associated force carry out more or less visibly an exterior action on the material objects". Sudre distinguishes among "telergia spontaneous" and "telergia experimental", to differentiate the phenomena of "poltergeist" of those that are produced voluntarily by the medium.

The psychologist William McDougall establishes a laboratory of psychic investigations in the Department of Psychology of the University of Duke (Carolina north, US). It is directed for the renowned biologist and mathematical Joseph B. Rhine.

It is published in London the book "The projection of the astral body", whose authors, H. Carrington and S. Muldoon, they relate its increibles travel extracorpóreos, the sensations that experience and the steps that should be continued to achieve with success an astral projection that, according to them, is Al reach of any person.

The writer Upton Sinclair publishes their documented work "Mental Radio", prefaceed by Albert Einstein, in which describes the telepathic experiences of their wife Mary Craig Sinclair, whose percentage of successes they were very upper Al chance. Both they considered that such faculties have their origin in a "deep mind", beyond the unconscious individual one.

The Dr. Rhine and its wife they apply the statistical method to measure the psychic capacities of some subjects, included under the new term of "Extrasensory Perception" (ESP) that receives phenomena as the telepathy, the clairvoyance and the precognición.

The famous work is published "The unknown quantity of the Man" of the French biologist and Nobel Prize of Medicine Alexis Carrel. In the same one, its author is echoed of phenomena such as the telepathy, the clairvoyance and the precognición. He considered the possibility that "a telepathic communication is an encounter beyond the four dimensions of our Universe".

Robert John, professor of Physics of the Imperial one College of London, delivers his presidential speech before the SPR recalling his scientific colleagues that by dificil that be to accept the well-proportioned evidences by the investigation of the psychic phenomena, "in recent years the physical science has had that to do numerous adjustments of this type and would be hasty to conclude that we have arrived Al final of this process".

In the Annual Congress of the "American Psychological Association", celebrated in Ohio, the majority of the psychologists met they accept that the investigation of the ESP is legitimamente scientific and Al belongs field of the psychology.

The Russian Semyon and Valentina Kirlian build a singular apparatus with the one that manage to photograph objects submitted to an electric field of high frequency. They discover that so much the alive bodies as the inanimate emanate a species of strange brightness. It is born thus the call "effect Kirlian" and the idea that through this technique can be photographed a species of "bioenergía".

The chemical engineer René Warcollier introduces the concept of "polipsiquismo" ("polys" : many, "psyche" : soul), with the one that appoints the contribution of the "psychic forces" of several people for the production of the phenomena. This pioneer of the French Parapsychology considers that "the most likely form of polipsiquismo is that of loads (of energy, of telergia) originating from the assistants and that unite Al medium, which directs them unconsciously".

The Professor of Psychology Antonio Alvarez of Linera publishes in the Yearbook of criminal law and Penal Sciences a pioneering work of the Spanish Parapsychology under the title "Him Parapsicológico in the Criminal Investigation". In his conclusions he defends the application of the faculties PSI in the inquiries criminológicas.

Carl G. Jung, in contribution with the Nobel Prize of Physical Wolfgang Pauli, develops its fascinating theory on the "Sincronicidad", that would explain the intelligent, but not causal connection, of two or more events. This theory on the "coincidences acausales" serves of endorsement to the existence of extrasensory phenomena as the telepathy and the clairvoyance.

The IV is celebrated International Congress of Utrech (Holland) in which the term is substituted finally Metapsíquica by that of Parapsychology (word created by the medical one Max Dessoir in 1889). The first professorship of Parapsychology in the state University is established besides of Utrech, directed by the professor Wilhelm C. Tenhaeff.

It is founded the "Parapsychological Association" in New York grouping a hundred scientists of diverse countries.

Robert Monroe carries out the first tests controlled of its "experiences extracorpóreas" (EEC). Various scientific they are interested for the matter submitting to Monroe to diverse sessions of laboratory. They emphasize the rigorous analysis undertaken by the professor of psychology Chat T. Tart in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Virginia, being able to verify the reality of the "astral projections" of Monroe.

The swedish filmmaker Friedrich Jürgenson grasps voices of unknown origin in its tape recorder while recorded songs of birds in a forest to set one of its documentary. It is born thus a world-famous paranormal phenomenon and experienced: the "psicofonía".

The biochemist and parapsicólogo Czech Milan Ryzl initiates a series of experiments by means of the hypnosis to develop the Extrasensory Perception in certain subjects.

The National University of the Seaboard, in Rosary (Argentina), includes the matter of Parapsychology inside the career of Psychology. Gives the classes the Prof. Ricardo Musso.

The Dr. Rhine creates the "Foundation for the Investigation of the Human Nature" in Durham (US), giving a great impulse to the investigations parapsicológicas.

The Dr. Leonid L. Vasiliev, professor of Physiology, directs the first laboratory of Parapsychology in the University of Leningrad including governmental financial support.

The doctor Jule Eisenbud, professor of psychiatry of the University of Red, presents before a group of scientists to Ted Serious, capable to express a mental image in a movie Polaroid. In conditions of laboratory, numerous sessions were carried out of "psychic photography". In spite of the many failures and of the tremendous efforts required to Serious, could be obtained twenty-six "psicofotografías".

The doctors Gertrude Schmeidler and John Beloff, renowned parapsicólogos, they participate in the investigations on the extrasensory perception undertaken by students of psychology of the University of Lund, Sweden.

It is performed in the USSR an interesting experiment of telepathy, controlled by a committee of scientists. The biofísico Yuri Kamenski acts as transmitter from Moscow and the journalist Karl Nikolaev like receiver from Novosibirsk, to three thousand kilometers of distance. The receiver grasped perfectly the six objects that were delivered him Al transmitter by the scientists that controlled the test. The electroencefalógrafo connected to Nikolaev registered an activation in diverse zones of its brain.

Cleve Backster, specialist in poligrafía ("lie detector"), begins their experiments with plants to the ones that applies electrodes, discovering that they react before the thoughts, feelings and hostile acts of the animal and human beings. It baptizes to this phenomenon as "primary perception", a species of indefinite sensory system that would have a cell base. The experiments of Backster seemed to indicate the existence in the vegetable world of a perceptive faculty close to the telepathy. Subsequent analysis parapsicológicos would show the psychic influence on the growth of seeds, bacteria and vegetable. Something that has been given in calling "fitometarquia".

The emeritus professor of Psychology of the University of London Hans J. Eysenck, after studying the personality of diverse gifted psychic, suggests the idea that the extroverted subjects can be better than the introverts for the experiments of extrasensory perception since they have lower levels of cortical excitement (activity of the cerebral cortex).

In a Congress of Parapsychology celebrated in Moscow is presented in public for the first time a movie showing the extraordinary faculties parapsicológicas of the paragnosta Russian Nina Kulagina. The doctor Y. Terletsky, professor of theoretical physics in the University of Moscow, declared Al daily "Pravda" that: "The lady Kulagina possesses a form of unknown and new energy".

The doctor Thelma Moss studies the importance of the emotional factor during the telepathic broadcasts and after thousands of tests verifies that the ones that were performed with emotional content gave a lot better results than the ones that were done without emotional load (in a proportion of three thousand to one).

The "Parapsychological Association", company that receives to a great number of psychic investigators, manages to integrate in the "American Association for the Advancement of Science". The anthropologist Margaret you Wet contributed in great measure to that this academic recognition was achieved. The Parapsychology is at last respected a new scientific discipline.

The neurosurgeon Karl Pribam, of the University of Stanford, proposes that the brain operates as a hologram. An alluring idea that does not delay in to be defended by the parapsicólogos of vanguard to explain the phenomena that transcend the spatial and temporary limits. This theory will be seen reinforced shortly after with them advanced on the "order implied" of the physical one David Bohm. It is born thus the "Paradigm Holográfico". According to this new vision of the reality, to be produced a paranormal phenomenon is not necessary that exist a "transfer of energy", as suggests the orthodox Parapsychology.

The physical one Helmut Schmidt initiates its investigations on the psicocinesis employing a binary generator of random events or GSA. Their multiple experiments with subjects selected gave statistically significant results. The psychologist Ray Hyman considered the works of Schmidt as "the most perfected and alluring that have been registered up to now in the history of the Parapsychology".

The priest Jesuit Oscar González Quevedo founds the CLAP (Central latin-American of Parapsychology) in the University Anchieta of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Comprising doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists, quick the CLAP becomes one of the central parapsicológicos of greater prestige on a worldwide basis.

The physical one Evan Harris Walker begins to develop its "Quantum Theory of PSI", with the one that intends to relate certain quantum processes -located, according to him, in the synapse neuronal- and you determined phenomena parapsicológicos. Other physicists, like John Hasted, Coast of Beauregard or the Nobel prize Brian Josephson, also they begin to be interested for that parallelism that seems to exist between the Quantum Mechanics and the phenomena ESP and PK. This new theoretical focus, in which the awareness plays a fundamental role, receives the name of "Quantum Parapsychology".

The Dr. Andrija Puharich initiates the investigation on the supposed psychic faculties of the Israeli sensitive youth Uri Geller. Among its abilities psicocinéticas emphasize the dubbing of spoons and keys, asi as to put in operation clocks damaged. Soon it acquires a great international fame.

The magazine "Life" is echoed of the surprising experiment of telepathic communication carried out among the astronaut Edgar Mitchell, aboard its capsule Apollo XIV-TO a distance of 380,000 kms. -, and the psychic one Swede Olof Jonsson. The group of scientists responsible for analyzing the tests determined that the results vouched for the existence of the extrasensory perception.

On the ground of the kitchen of a humble house of Bélmez of the Moraleda (Jaen), strange faces of unknown origin arise ("teleplastias"). Parapsicólogos of the size of Germán of Argumosa and Hans Bender they are interested for the phenomenon. In spite of the polemics that untied in its day, their authenticity is outside of every doubt after the diverse chemical analysis carried out. Today it is considered as one of the most important paranormal cases of the entire world.

José Luis Bardasano, professor of biology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University Complutense of Madrid, carries out a thesis that carries for title "Epífisis of a chelonian", in which treats the biological development of the gland pineal. It considers the possibility that the gland pineal be the "third eye" of the one that speak certain traditions occultists, as well as the functional headquarters of the extrasensory perception.

First experiments on "remote vision" carried out by the physical Harold Puthoff and Rusell Targ in the Stanford Research Institute (California). They were financed in part by the CIA.

The XI Symposium of Operating Investigations of the Army of the US is celebrated whose main theme was "Analysis of Risks". One of the presentations was "The ESP as factor in the decisions" and, among the specialists, they participated the Dr. Rhine and the industrial engineer John Mihalasky.

The Laboratory of the Dreams of the hospital Maimónides (Brooklyn, N.AND.) It creates the "Division of Parapsychology and Psicofísica" to study the phenomena ESP during the dream. The exhaustive investigations carried out by the doctors Stanley Krippner and Montague Ullman on "dream telepathy" they were supported and praised by the scientific community.

It is created the "Spanish Company of Parapsychology", first company officially dedicated Al study of the paranormal phenomena in our pies. Its president, Branches Perera, directs a seminar on the phenomena PSI in the Department of liberal arts and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid. Little time later, the SEDP gives diverse courses on Scientific Parapsychology in the University Complutense.

The UNESCO receives the concepts parapsicológicos in its International Nomenclature for the fields of Science and Technology after arriving at a world agreement on the academic terms of the Parapsychology.

Takes place in Barcelona the I National Congress of Parapsychology. They participate the most noticeable investigators of the pies as Germán of Argumosa, Francisco of you Grasp Rovatti, July Rock Muntañola, José Mª Houses-Huguet, flax fields of Mule, etc. The rigorous and serious processing of the paranormal phenomena contributed to that many doctors and scientific they were interested from then by these subject matter. Of some way, the event signified the official entrance of the Parapsychology in our pies.

The eminent one biofísico and parapsicólogo Russian Dubrov affirms to have discovered that the cells of the alive beings, during their division, they emit gravitational waves. According to its opinion, the human brain would be capable of organizing happinesses waves to produce phenomena of paranormal nature.

The professor of Psychology Hans Bender directs the Institute of Parapsychology in the University of Friburgo (Germany), where important contributions on the ESP are carried out and PK.

The Dr. Raymond A. Moody publishes its famous one best seller "Life after the Life" popularizing the calls "Experiences Close to the Death", studied before by the parapsicólogo Karlis Osis and subsequently by the doctors Kenneth Ring and Elizabeth Kübler-Ross.

John Taylor, professor of math in the King´s College of London, publishes "Superminds" (Supermentes), a work in which collects its investigations on the faculties psicocinéticas detected in children, many of the which had acquired them seeing the television actions of the psychic one Uri Geller.

Ron Robertson, official of security of the Commission of Atomic Energy, assures that the American government is financing between thirty and forty secret projects of investigation on the faculties PSI.

The Company Airsearch edits a report for the Central Agency of Intelligence (CIA) in which recommends Al American government that initiate a series of investigations on the "mechanisms biofísicos of transfer of information" (more aseptic denomination of the "extrasensory perception"), with the objective to study its application to military level and of espionage.

Due to certain journalistic filtrations, the director of the CIA recognizes before the Senate the existence of a complex secret operation of mental control initiated by the scientific department of said agency in 1949. 185 scientists carried out a hundred and middle of experiments with offensive end in universities, laboratories, hospitals and prisons. Of the investigations PSI, there would be that to emphasize the hypnotic tests under the effect of drugs and the experiences on telepathic suggestion and remote vision.

The parapsicólogo William G. Roll publishes an interesting titled work "Model Psicofísico of Psicocinesis Spontaneous Recurrent" where analyzes the relation that exists between the activity of the central nervous system and the action psicocinética, determining that the energy PSI is a type of energy bioeléctrica emitted by the paragnosta.

The professor of Czech psychiatry Stanislav Grof, situated in US, case the "Association Transpersonal International" prompting the study and the investigation of the extraordinary states of the conscience. Its contribution to the Parapsychology has been very valuable Al to conceive the conscience as something that exists out of us, not like a product of our brain, and that transcends the limits of the time and of the space. The paranormal phenomena, with a medium and mystics would be acceptable in this new model of the human psyche that has challenged them advanced established by the mechanistic science.

It is created in Barcelona the "Institute of Sciences Parapsicológicas Hispanic-American" (ICPHA), academic institution to which prestigious scientists belong and parapsicólogos of Europe and America. In its Academic Counsel counts on specialists of the size of Stanley Krippner, John W. White, Jule Eisenbud, Thelma Moss, etc. Has an important laboratory of investigation parapsicológica. A great number of parapsicólogos Spanish they have been formed through the courses and seminars given by the ICPHA during two decades.

A team interdisciplinario of scientists case the "Anomalies Investigation Laboratory" in the Faculty of Engineering of Princenton (New Sweater, US), presided by the Dr. Robert G. Jahn. Its main objective is to study the interaction between mind and matter, carrying out tests of microcomputer PK under the strictest control.

Thanks to the initiative of James S. McDonnell, president of the corporation aeronatics McDonnell-Douglas, the University Washington of Sant Louis (US) creates a laboratory of investigation parapsicológica, gifted with an annual budget of 500,000 dollars.

The lieutenant colonel John B. Alexander publishes a stunning article in the prestigious magazine "Military Review", under the title "The new field of mental battle". It is echoed of the Soviet investigations on the faculties PSI and urges that a systematic and serious study of the experiences be carry out extracorporales, the remote vision and the telepathy in order to employing them in new systems of armaments (the call "psychic war").

The Committee of Science and Technology of the Congress of US requests a rigorous appraisal on the investigation of the phenomena parapsicológicos, to study the possibility to invest in the same one with object to be utilized in military applications.

It is published "A new science of the life", work in which the English biochemist Rupert Sheldrake exposes its revolutionary hypothesis of the "causación formative", suggesting the possibility that the memory be inherent in the nature. According to Sheldrake, a by memory collective species exists, to which has given in calling "fields morfogenéticos", that acts beyond the space and of the time, determining the habits, forms and conducts of the alive beings, and transmitting besides to each agency the knowledge accumulated by its species. According to the own one Sheldrake, through this hypothesis, that breaks the mechanistic model and apparent guard resemblance with the idea of the Unconscious Collective one of Jung, they would be able to be explained phenomena parapsicológicos as the telepathy, the clairvoyance or the retrocognición.

The team of investigation "Hipergea" of Barcelona manages to analyze in laboratory a sample ectoplásmica arisen of the mouth of a medium. The analysis reveals that is a matter of organic weaving. That same year, said group publishes an interesting work concluding that the oxygen of the neurons talámicas of the brain is the triggering factor of the paranormal phenomenology.

A professorship of Parapsychology in the University of Edinburgh is created (England), with the name of "Foundation Arthur Koestler", having as an objective to promote the scientific investigation of the paranormal phenomena.

The first career of Parapsychology in the School of Parapsychology of the University of Caracas is established (Venezuela). It is directed for the professor of liberal arts Jon Aizpúrua.

The German investigator Klaus Schreiber shows Al world the first paranormal images grasped in the screen of its television set. The faces obtained by Schreiber corresponded dead relatives. The engineer Hans Otto Köning, after analyzing in depth the images, confirms its authenticity and its unknown nature. It is born thus a technique of transcomunicación instrumental of enormous significance and importance: the "Psicoimágenes".

A commission of composed investigators by scientists and parapsicólogos Spanish they study the capacities psicocinéticas of the young woman cacereña Mónica Grandson. It is submitted to a great number of tests under the strictest control. The results reach a 90% of successes.

The neurologist Michael Persinger, of the University Laurentian of Ontario, begins to examine spontaneous cases of paranormal phenomenology. According to the results of its investigations, when diminishes the terrestrial geomagnetic activity is increased the number of experiences PSI. Al to seem, the excitement of the temporary lobe of the brain is seen affected by the geomagnetic activity of the Land, what from time to time can favor the nature phenomena demonstration ESP and PK.

The major it withdrawn Ed Dames, former-official of the Pentagon, case the private company "Psi Tech" comprising members of the armed forces and dedicated to offer the services of "remote vision" to any person that can pay them. The executives of "Psi Tech" assure that during the Gulf War a high governmental authority asked them that they tried to obtain information by psychic way on the mental state of Saddam Hussein and on the Iraqi strategic plans.

Employing the technique known as Ganzfeld -by means of which Al subject to a sensory deprivation is induced-, the parapsicólogo Chat Honorton and other six investigators carry out 355 sessions with 241 participants. The experiments on ESP throw a percentage of successes of the 34 for 100, nine points above the chance. A statistically significant result.

The Corporation SONY bases on Japan the Laboratory ESPER, directed by Yoichiro Sako, whose objective is to study the Extrasensory Perception employing for it the most sophisticated technology of the own multinational business. The results of the investigations, carried out for seven years by a team of five scientists with a group of sensitive, they vouch for the existence to experimental level of the faculties parapsicológicas.

It is celebrated in the localities of the "Central of Investigations Psicobiofísicas" of Vigo the I Encounter of Spanish Investigators. Some 40 investigators belonging to diverse associations parapsicológicas gather during two days to present the most serious works carried out in Spain on fenómenología paranormal. Thanks to the rigorous documentation contributed, the University of The Coruña would organize shortly after diverse activities related to the Scientific Parapsychology.

It is based on Barcelona the "Free University of Parapsychology and Related Sciences" (ULIPCA), first rigorous and serious intent to consolidate the study of the Parapsychology in Spain to an upper level. Counts on a faculty of high cualificación academic, a complete laboratory of experimentation and an extensive library. Courses they give themselves and seminars of different levels, besides a "Master in Upper Parapsychology" (studies done not endorse officially by the Department of Education).

During the Annual Convention of the "Parapsychological Association", celebrated this year in Durham (Carolina north), its Latin-American members decide to create a group to join with the investigators parapsicológicos Spanish speaking. It is born thus the "Latin-American Association of Parapsychology" (ALPA), thanks to the initiative of the parapsicólogos Alejandro Vine and Carlos Alvarado. One of its main objectives is to combine common purposes to surpass the obstacles that crosses the Parapsychology in the countries of Latin America and to achieve, therefore, that this discipline acquire a higher scientific level.

The "Magazine Argentina of Paranormal Psychology" publishes the results of an interesting survey on the phenomena PSI carried out by the psychologist Wellington Zangari and the licentiate in letters Fátima R. Hatchet among Brazilian university students. The 89.5% of the polled passed through some paranormal experience. The 47% it affirms to have had experiences ESP in state of wakefulness. The 64% it says been sleepy containing information ESP. The 17% it assures to have starred in some experience psicocinética. The 31% it declares to have lived an experience extracorpórea. The 62% it declares to have seen or felt some "phantasmagoric apparition", and the 14% confesses to have lived in some house "delighted".

The Russian newspaper "Izveztia" is watchful the last investigations psicotrónicas related to the mental control and the hypnosis that have as an objective to influence in the memory and in the conduct of the masses. The agency responsible for such investigations, that includes the utilization of capacities parapsicológicas, is the "Central of not Traditional Technologies of the Committee of Science and Technology" of the Soviet former-union, that since the decade of the 50 has collaborated in diverse secret projects of mental handling orchestrated by the KGB.

The parapsicólogo William Roll and the neurologist Michael Persinger diffuse the results of its investigations after analyzing more than a hundred cases of "poltergeist" (or PKER, "Psicokinesis Spontaneous Recurrent"). They conclude that such phenomena due to the environmental electromagnetic energy altered by that of the own subject and directed unconsciously toward you determined objects. The psychological and neurological studies showed besides that the subjects that produce this type of phenomena are used to suffering seizure and problems psicosociales.

The University of Princenton (US) and the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) they establish a protocol of investigation that includes a project that will analyze the evidences obtained through the techniques of Transcomunicación Instrumental. Both universities have subscribed a covenant with the GAIT ("Global Association for Instrumental Transcommunication"), group that receives the main world specialists in TCI. One of its members, the parapsicólogo Spanish Alfonso Galeano has been invited to present the results of its fruitful investigations.

The American biologists Alan H. Frey and E. Coren, of the Molecular Biology Investigation Center of Pennsylvania, they discover that the retina of the human eye carries out, besides the vision, other functions in which also is implied the gland pineal. Al to seem, the retina only is not capable of being sensitized with the energy lumínica (fotosensibilidad), but also with the magnetic fields (magnetosensibilidad). According to both doctors, this find would be able to explain the vision of the breeze and the clairvoyant faculties of certain people.



MOISES ELEGANT VAZQUEZ is an investigator and divulgador of themes related to Ufology and Parapsychology. He is a director and presenter of programs radifónicos and collaborator of the but important magazines specialized (ENIGMAS, BUT ALLA, and the disappeared person KARMA-7). He is codirector of the program of radio "Border of the Unknown thing" (TAKE-Huelva). He is one of the greater experts of Spain in themes related to apparitions marianas and sects, being one of the but assets and noticeable Andalusian investigators with international projection.